Get unique Apparel and Clothing Descriptions written by fashion experts for your catalog.

Our clothing descriptions bring together original copy and professional style tips to help your customers make the right buying decisions. Contact us!

We work with the best talent from fashion colleges in India and professionals from the field. They can stitch together beautiful descriptions on anything from beach sandals to bell sleeves.

Our writers can also provide unique fashion tips for each product, to educate your customers and give them the complete shopping experience.

Fashion Deck

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When You Need Clothing Descriptions – Why Wordplay?

Our clothing descriptions are original.

All our descriptions are original (verified through Copyscape), stylistically edited, and checked for factual accuracy. Our fashion writing services even incorporate personalized edits that you might need, and tailor the descriptions just for your website.

What’s more – search engines love original content, so your products will rank higher than those from other websites that feature copy+pasted manufacturers’ descriptions!

We write descriptions that get results.

A description needs to do more than just describe the product. It needs to read beautifully and entice the reader to make a purchase, without sounding sales-y.

We know how to do this.

Worried about volume? We can handle it!

Our processes and infrastructure are designed to support high-volume projects for ecommerce stores. We understand the pressure of a huge catalog and looming deadlines.

If you’ve got a bulk order and need timely, high-quality submissions in large volumes, come to us. Our content writing services are fully equipped to help you out.

With our apparel and clothing descriptions, you can easily boost organic search traffic to your pages while keeping your customers happy. Contact us to get started!