Creating The Right Publishing Plan For Your Blog

July 24th, 2024 by

blog publishing calendar

If you have a business blog, then one of the first things you need to worry about is the kind of posts, the number of posts, and when the posts are published. All of this can be determined by creating a blog publishing plan for your business blog.


What is a blog publishing plan?


A blog publishing plan will decide exactly what kind of posts are to be published and when. It holds the key to the frequency of blog updates, the kind of content you wish to push during a particular time, and that will decide the consistency of your blog.


For example, if it is Christmas and you have certain products related to this holiday season. It is only logical for you to publish promotional Christmas-oriented posts during this season to entice your customers into buying your products. But, you can’t just decide on a whim to update your blog just because it is the holiday season. To have regular readers you must publish content regularly. Creating a publishing plan or a blog publishing calendar will help you anticipate different seasonal events and allow you to capitalize on those opportunities adequately.


What kind of blog publishing plan do you require?


The right kind of blog publishing plan for your online business blog can be created by taking the following factors into consideration –


1. The services that are rendered by your company will decide the frequency of your blog posts. If you are a website that sells apparel, then your posts should be regular with the frequency increasing with the onset of every new fashion season.


2. You must also determine what your blog goals are to decide upon the kind of posts that are to be published. Once that is decided, the frequency of updates can be determined based on the type of posts. For example, if you are website selling books, you can have posts that list the best books based on critical reviews in different genres. You can regulate the blog publishing based on your readers and how regularly you wish your blog is updated.


The kind of service you provide will decide the kind of posts and the frequency of your posts, two factors that will determine your blog publishing plan. You must tailor a plan that will suit the resources you have available and the persona you wish to market. The right kind of blog publishing plan will provide consistency to your business blog and make it a reliable name on the internet.

Wordplay Content is a full-service content writing agency. Our business provides content writing services for a plethora of Internet businesses. Reach out if you want to hire us for your content marketing campaign!

Five Proven Business Blogging Tips For Better Marketing

July 24th, 2024 by

So we have already seen as to how business blogging can help you build your brand. Nowadays, many companies are trying their hand at business blogging, and the blogosphere is starting to resemble a mesh of commercials. You don’t want your blog to be disregarded as just another flashy advertisement, do you?


So how do you market your business blog so that it stands apart from others?


We thought about this and after quite a bit of research have come up with five tips that are going to help you market your business blog better. Here they are!


  1. One of the first things you must do is establish what your business blog is supposed to do. You need to know what you want your blog to achieve – is it just marketing or are you planning to interact with customers (engagement) as well or do you want to publish posts on the topics that are aligned with your line of business? Put these goals down before you start publishing posts on your business blog. This will help you prioritize posts on your business blog calendar.


 2. The next thing you need to consider is your readers. You need to know what kind of audience you intend to target, the age group, gender, ethnicity, background, everything! Your posts will be a reflection of what they want and what appeals to them. Once you know your readers, you can decide the tone of voice you wish to set for your blog. Your business blog’s persona will be what they are!

  • For example: The tone of voice for a business targeting CTOs for a SaaS blog will be very different from the tone of voice for a business blog targeting consumers for an apparel brand. While the former will focus more on adding value to a particular topic, or solving a problem that the customer is facing, the latter will be more sprightly and creative, something that excites the end consumer about the fashion they are planning to add to their wardrobe.

  1. You must ensure that your content is planned. You should have a good idea of the kind of posts you want to publish, the frequency at which the posts are published, whether the posts answer the questions asked by customers and provide the required information, whether the posts are using keywords correctly, and if the posts are mirroring your vision and style. Well-planned content reflects professionalism. If you have managed to educate your users successfully through the contents of your blog, half your work is done and you have already established yourself as a thought leader in your space.


  1. Make sure that your blog contains calls to action. This allows readers to remain inclined towards doing business with you. Your landing pages must be tailored to keep the wording consistent. Your call to action need to be concise, to the point and hard-hitting. Make sure you link to the pillar pages of your website, or your landing pages for a particular service or product, in order to make the most of your call to action and also divert link equity to your commercial pages from your blog.


  1. Encourage and start an online community. Using strong author profiles, interactive posts, and social media updates, you can build a community dedicated to your website. If you connect with your audience, they will be more inclined to read your business blog and utilize your services. Consider cross-posting your published blog posts on LinkedIn for more social traction amongst your business customers, or Facebook and Instagram in case you are targeting consumers.


If you want to see a rise in sales of your services, it is important to market yourself well. So if you are using business blogging, ensure that you keep these points in mind to make your strategies more effective.

Wordplay Content is a full-service content writing agency. Our business provides content writing services for a plethora of Internet businesses. Reach out if you want to hire us for your content marketing campaign!

What Kind Of Travel Website Content Do You Need?

April 26th, 2013 by

Travelers from around the world use the internet to learn more about their preferred destinations, and this is where travel websites come in handy. The catch here is that these websites are dime a dozen, so for yours to stand out, you’ll need solid travel website content that helps your audience make the right decisions!

First Up, Answer Questions With Authority

To start with, before you put up any kind of travel website content, the first thing to do would be to understand your audience. Identify the primary reason why people visit your travel website, and serve that need first – in this case, information on tourist hotspots.

Put yourself in your reader’s shoes, and you’ll understand what goes on in his mind while planning a trip. This will in turn help you map your website’s content out. For example, while planning a trip, these are the questions that any reader might face: Read more →

Travel Writing Tips – The Top 3 Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

April 26th, 2013 by

In a space where travel websites are cropping up by the dozen every week, it’s important to learn how to grab eyeballs with appealing content that delivers exactly what it promises. Here are some travel writing tips that help!

When it comes to travel, people are extremely dependent on online information to plan their trips out, so the trick to writing the best travel articles lies in identifying what they want, and answering their questions!

That being said, there are a lot of articles out there that are unreadable and unhelpful, mainly because of some key errors on the writer’s part. Here are three common mistakes that most travel writers make and you can avoid, through our travel writing tips. Read more →

Freelance Travel Writing FAQs – Some Answers For Beginners

April 26th, 2013 by

If you’re taking up a freelance travel writing assignment for the first time, you’re sure to have some questions on how to go about it. We’ve compiled some of the common doubts that most writers face, to make freelance travel writing simpler for beginners!

Common Questions On Freelance Travel Writing

Q1: Should I visit the destination to write about it?

No, you don’t. It’s impossible to visit every single destination for a first-hand experience, so you can try the next best option – research about the place online.

The internet is a vast resource, and you’ll be able to find information on most travel destinations easily. If you know your way around Google, you can even dig out some details about lesser known places and tailor an article based on what you have. Read more →

The Journey That Was

April 17th, 2013 by

15th April, 2013 was my last day at Wordplay Content, and as I walked out of the office for the last time, a wave of memories swept past me. I wasn’t surprised, though, because working at a startup is infectious – it leaves you inspired for life.

Wordplay isn’t the biggest startup around, and I say this because I have read about and met people from some of the most popular startups in India. It doesn’t have fancy meeting halls or cafeterias either.

But it’s the best place for anyone to work in, because it has something that’s much more valuable than cafeterias, meeting halls, or manpower – Wordplay has a heart. And it comes from the people who work here. They know what they’re doing, and they do their jobs to the hilt. When you dedicate your hearts and minds towards building a company, smaller things like worrying about reimbursements or counting the number of tea breaks you can take don’t bother you.

Sarthak1 Read more →