How and When to Use Commas – Using Commas Explained

January 13th, 2012 by

Often stumped on how and when to use commas?

As a writer, you’ll have to pay attention to proper punctuation to keep your work sparkly clean – and this is where using commas correctly matters. Commas are commonly used to enclose parenthetical phrases, before quotes, between adjectives, in lists and after introductory clauses or elements.

For a start, let’s take a look at the relationship between commas and introductory clauses.

How and When to Use Commas – Using Commas Explained

Time to come out of your comma coma!

Now, what is an introductory element?

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Which Vs That – Common English Errors Explained

October 5th, 2011 by

Which Vs That

While it might not seem like too much of a big deal from the outside, learning how to use the right word when it comes to Which vs That is very important while writing for the web.

Some doubts are bound to hit you when you’re pressed for time and typing feverishly to meet your deadline, and being stumped between ‘which’ and ‘that’ during such situations can drive you up the wall, if you take pride in the quality of work that you’re sending out.

If you’re the ‘Meh, anything goes’ type, you better put your Groucho glasses on – we’re out to get you!

which vs that

For the ones who were fast asleep during grammar classes in primary school, here’s a lowdown on how to deal with the words ‘that’ and ‘which’. Read more →

To Lose or Let Loose – Common English Errors Explained

July 28th, 2011 by

Lose Vs Loose

When it comes to common English errors that people make – this one takes the cake!

Common English Errors

Call it the by-product of overtly excited typing or sheer negligence, but an error like this can paint a very bad picture of yours in the eyes of any Grammar Nazi. There’s no need to lose your sanity over how to use these words, it’s pretty simple actually.

Lose is a verb, while Loose is an adjective. Before you go medieval on me – wait, there’s more – Loose can be used as a verb as well (although it’s used rarely).

Here are some examples of correct usage: Read more →