Spice It Up Real Nice – How to Use Images While Writing Content

January 27th, 2012 by

Wondering How to Use Images For Your Content?

Well, this one’s for you!

A catchy image that matches your content gives an altogether different dimension to online reading. Adding an appropriate image with a meaningful or even hilarious caption can help attract readers and improve the credibility of your content. An image successfully captures your reader’s interest too.

So why should images included in online content?

  • Adding an image increases the traffic to your website or blog.
  • Readers tend to prefer articles that have images in them, thanks to increased readability.

In short, if you are writing an article about how to bake mince pies, then adding the image of mince pies stacked neatly together will lure your readers to try out the recipe. Images add emphasis to words!

A Quick Checklist on How to Use Images

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Content Writing Tips – How to Write Evergreen Online Content

January 17th, 2012 by

When you roll up your sleeves and do some research to gather content writing tips (through good ol’ Google), you’re sure to spot subtle references that talk about ‘timeless content’.

No, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to whip up a Silmarillion every time you open MS Word – all you need to do is make sure that the information you post can be understood, without time constraints standing in the way like a bad case of toothache.

Writing timeless and evergreen content is one of the main aspects of professional writing and this is a practice that can boost the credibility of your content up by a few notches.

Batman crash landed on a timeless article from the 80s on color trends – it said “Pink is the New Black.”

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How and When to Use Commas – Using Commas Explained

January 13th, 2012 by

Often stumped on how and when to use commas?

As a writer, you’ll have to pay attention to proper punctuation to keep your work sparkly clean – and this is where using commas correctly matters. Commas are commonly used to enclose parenthetical phrases, before quotes, between adjectives, in lists and after introductory clauses or elements.

For a start, let’s take a look at the relationship between commas and introductory clauses.

How and When to Use Commas – Using Commas Explained

Time to come out of your comma coma!

Now, what is an introductory element?

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